Thursday, February 20, 2020

Does the Conversation Make Sense?

We're all out on  a limb
Is the conversation of a generation starting to take hold?  We turned this archaic blog to a new purpose out of  the debris of the Occupy Wall Street movement more than a decade ago. That seemed to make sense until the 2016 election, when the orange Disruptor-in-Chief made the U.S. of A. the world capital of nonsense.  For nearly four years the conversation has been incoherent.  That's why we quit trying to make sense of it as Donald Trump, the putative president, sowed havoc wherever his flighty attention landed.

American CEOs, assembled at Davos  (where all rational  thought is supposed to happen these days)  are beginning to realize that take-no-prisoners capitalism is a bad idea.  Why?  Because Hong Kong demonstrators showed them what real revolution looks like.  The piece that follows draws the lines between these seemingly random events.   Self-examination seems to be beyond the American political system at this time.Ironically,  it's an outsider writing in a Canadian news magazine who makes sense of the chaos.

Does the conversation of a generation make sense?  Only if people with divergent views are talking to each other.  So  far Canadians are able to do so.  But  as America goes, so too often do we. Watch this space for more developments.  And let us know what you think.   There's a link for  that.