Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Opportunity in a World of Hurt

Creative writers, people who document the times, and journalists are being boxed in by creeping censorship.  The letter behind this link tells the story of self-censorship by writers and artists who depend on advertisers, corporate sponsors and  paymasters for their living.  Their argument leads one to consider those among us who have other means to sustain themselves than the royalties.

Pandemic attrition is making the problem worse.  Already under pressure, livelihoods for journalists have  been wiped out weekly since early March.  Documentary film-makers have a tough time to produce given the overheads involved.  Non-fiction writers, bloggers and others can work anywhere.  All they need is an idea and an  internet account.  So, the gauntlet of social criticism is being handed to those of us who have the experience, the education, the opinions and access to the audience.

The situation is causing this reporter to consider reviving after a decade of neglect since outrage over economic inequality fizzled out with Occupy Walk Street fatigue.  Single-issue activists motivated by racial, sexual and economic inequalities have created a forceful coalition in 2020.  Their common cause provides an impetus for change.  We suspect that many outliers in  America see the movement as a force for removal of the narcissist con-man they insist on calling 'Mr. President'.

It remains to be seen if their combined zeal is enough to oust the most dangerous man whoever occupied The White House.  Meanwhile, the platform for pointed analysis is open, as salaried and sponsored opinions disappear.