Monday, March 2, 2020

Supercharged for Tuesday

A year after Wall Street nearly bankrupted western economies Michael Moore produced and directed Capitalism: A Love Story in 2009 to document ways North Americans were manoeuvered into a consumerist frenzy lasting several decades in order to stoke the engines of U.S.-style capitalism.  Well before the financial collapse of 2007-2008, described how the advertising industry, other mass media -- in fact, all aspects of the commercial propaganda machine  -- were harnessed to the same task.

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Happy warriors have earned  a Trumpian epithet: are they socialists or just democrats?
Big business has refined a 'take-no-prisoners' style of capitalism in recent decades that reached its nadir and simultaneously its lowest point with the  near-collapse of the economy.  As a result, inequality of income and opportunity now anchors the system.  Reaction in the form of the 'Occupy Wall Street' movement and the improbable election of Donald Trump in 2016 have morphed into the shambolic Democratic primary race. Now septuagenarian Bernie Sanders is the unlikely recipient of impatience with the status quo.  Interestingly, Michael Moore is back in the mix.  Now he is one of Bernie's biggest election boosters.

By double-teaming the U.S. president, Bernie and Michael have earned Trump's enmity.  They have also handed him a club to beat them off with:  As a result, the clash between Sanders and moderate Joe Biden has become the race to watch on the eve of Super Tuesday.