Thursday, October 13, 2011

Right Brain is Empty

CBC's hired mogul Kevin O'Leary is stumped by Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges' coherent description of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Hedges vows not to re-appear with Canada's answer to the Fox News mouthpiece.  O'Leary doesn't seem able to grasp plain speaking.

If there is to be a productive debate over solutions to the hollowing-out of western capitalist-style democracies, this clip shows it will take debaters who can put their case without resorting to cheap TV trash talk.  As a supporter of "Friends of Canadian Broadcasting" we understand the CBC's effort to balance the conversation by giving air time to both sides.  But surely the right can find somebody capable of representing their position without caricaturing their ideology. 

Name-calling and character-bashing. are the redoubt of the empty-headed.  Those are not the people who are going to dig America out of its slough of despair.

O'Leary reflects the most simplistic side of the argument and real life just isn't that simple for most people.  That's why the Wall Street protesters are calling themselves The 99 Per Cent.  Instead of  profiting from sure-fire formulas for capital gain, most people are struggling to feed, clothe and heat themselves.  O'Leary should try that for a while and see if his simple-mided solutions can dig him out.             

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